Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Very Meri...

It’s a magical time, waiting for the tooth fairy to arrive… 
It all starts with the wriggly tooth. It’s a little uncomfortable, but knowing the tooth fairy is just around the corner makes the discomfort a part of the magic!
Make the Tooth Fairy feel welcome - by writing her a special card!

This gorgeous Tooth Fairy Card Set from Meri Meri is hand-crafted to impress any tooth-fairy. In true Meri-Meri style, a real-life tutu, wings and gift bag are attached to the front. Inside, write your special message under “Dear Tooth Fairy”, to welcome her and to tell her where you’ve hidden your tooth! Then, place your tooth in the tiny envelope included and keep it next to your pillow. Your tooth fairy will feel so special, who knows what reward she’ll leave you?!
~Beautiful new Meri Meri Cards are now available at our store~

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